But we did not use force against him since 1991

But we did not use force against him since 1991

Why would he suddenly plan an attack with al Qeada against America? What purpose would that serve him? In any event, there is no evidence that such was the case.

4) “Add to that the revelation that the Russians actually passed to us some of their own intel saying that Hussein was going to launch terrorist attacks.”

I heard of this, although I do not know what the basis for their warnings were. At this point, I am certainly not willing to accept it out of hand.

5) “Add to that the presence in Iraq, with Hussein’s approval, of Zarquawi, Abu Nidal, Abu Abbas, the ’93 WTC bomber, and the crazies of NE Iraq.”

This does seem to be the case. However, put into context, this seems extremely mild compared with the overt support given by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. Some would posit the presence of terrorists as prove positive of a strong relationship that led to the attacks, but people totally ignore the fact that this connection was mild. Those people were popular in the Arab world, including among the people of Iraq. I find nothing incriminating Iraq in 9/11 by the presence of certain operatives.

I can assure you, there is no desperation needed to try to defend what the president himself, the principle person whom some conservatives will say and do anything to protect, has said, which is that there is no evidence of a connection between Iraq and the attacks. (more…)

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